Safetica Auditor and DLP

Perfect overview of what’s going on in your company. Safetica offers two important products in the field of data protection – Safetica Auditor and Safetica DLP.

  • Safetica Auditor

    Safetica Auditor gives you a perfect overview of what is happening in your company. It will detect low employee efficiency and alert you to data leaks in time. You will save on personnel costs, protect sensitive data and avoid wasted resources. Safetica Auditor proactively searches for potential dangers and warns you about them in time. It’s a security tool that protects your business from day one after installation.

  • Safetica DLP

    Safetica DLP (Data Loss Prevention) prevents data leakage, makes it easy to meet the legislative standards required in your industry and protects your business from human error. Safetica DLP is easy to use, fast to implement and available not only for large but also for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Safetica Auditor

Are your employees using their working hours productively? Get an overview of your employees’ activity. With Safetica, you can detect any activity your employee is doing outside of their job.

Monitoring activity on company workstations:

Safetica DLP

Are your employees using their working hours productively? Get an overview of your employees’ activity.

DLP is a system for detecting emerging and preventing potential data leakage opportunities from a company. Not only will we prevent sensitive data from being copied to external storage, we will also prevent screen capture using printscreens or the Snipping Tool.

Safetica Data Loss Prevention

It is implemented by an agent on the end station that integrates into the system and controls the data handling.

It enables the following functions:

  • Marking sensitive files by content

    If a file contains the defined data (e.g. a birth number in a text).

  • Marking sensitive files by context

    If they are on a specific storage site (e.g. a shared drive), if they have been downloaded from a specific site (e.g. the intranet), or if they are the output of a specific application (e.g. SAP).

  • Set policies for working with marked data

    Set up zones for peripherals and objects such as USB keys, printers, network paths and objects, e-mail, Bluetooth and more.

  • DLP protocol

    Logging of work with marked data.

Safetica DLP keeps your data protected across a multitude of channels and platforms, wherever it resides

Additional features

  • Disk guarding

    Allowing or disallowing access to specific storage sites (e.g. generally disallowing access to personal OneDrive, but allowing access to OneDrive for business).

  • Device manager

    Rules for working with external devices (e.g. allowing your phone to be connected to your computer for charging, but not allowing your phone to be used as storage).

  • Supervisor

    You can restrict access to websites, applications launching or set print quotas.

Architecture and licensing

The Safetica client is installed on each protected computer (PC or Mac), so it gets protection even when working outside the corporate network. The activity reports are uploaded to the server and the DLP rules are updated the next time it connects. Installation of the server parts requires the MS Windows Server operating system and is possible both on the physical server(s) and in a virtual environment. For smaller installations, the installation includes the MS SQL Server Express database server. For large installations, the customer needs an appropriately sized full-featured MS SQL Server. If it does not have the necessary environment, we will deliver it together with the solution. Safetica Auditor and DLP are licensed according to the number of protected endpoints. The other components of the solution are not licensed.

Safetica and IXPERTA

Safetica Technologies is a leading global manufacturer of DLP solutions based in the Czech Republic. IXPERTA is Safeticas’ first and long-standing implementation and sales partner with the highest partner status – Platinum partner.

Why join forces with us

  • We solve security in the context of your business

    Network security is one piece that should fit into the overall puzzle of your IT security. We can tailor it to fit the specifics needs of your company.

  • Count on us to stand by your side

    Information security is not a state that you achieve once and have it taken care of. We will be there to help you continuously improve your security so that you can face the most modern types of threats.

  • We focus on real benefits

    We will design measures that are tailored to you and do not cost more than the data they are designed to protect.


We don’t play games – we only do what we understand perfectly

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