Data breaches cost money. And not a little. On a global average, it costs a company more than 3 million EUR. At the same time, it is nothing unique. By implementing a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) system, you will reduce the risk of losses to a minimum.

Data leaks happen every day

78% of companies have experienced a data leak caused by an employee
Nearly 60% of departing employees take sensitive company data with them
40% of departing employees want to use this data in a new job

Do you protect your data adequately?

Let us implement a Data Loss Prevention system and reduce the risk of loss to a minimum.

How do we protect your data?

We deploy a system on all user devices that can not only detect data leakage, but above all prevent it. We use the best DLP software on the market. Safetica, thanks to its unique way of working, protects even data that other systems cannot handle.

Interested in technical specifications and other information?

How it works

Obtaining input data

We will find out the necessary information from you by means of a questionnaire and several personal meetings.

Mapping of internal company processes

We map your company’s internal processes, structure and data flows.

Installation of the Safetica system

We install Safetica on all user devices.

Monitoring and debugging

We will monitor and debug everything for about a month.

Security analysis

We will prepare a security analysis.

Final settings

We will set up the Safetica system to meet the needs of your company.

Do you want to make sure Safetica is the right solution for you first?

Try our Proof of Concept solution. After a month, we will evaluate everything and prepare a security analysis for you. After a month, we will evaluate everything and prepare a security analysis for you.

Need to address data
leaks acutely?

We can deploy a DLP system in emergency mode within a few days. Call us.

Why join forces with us

  • We solve security in the context of your business

    Network security is one piece that should fit into the overall puzzle of your IT security. We can tailor it to fit the specifics needs of your company.

  • Count on us to stand by your side

    Information security is not a state that you achieve once and have it taken care of. We will be there to help you continuously improve your security so that you can face the most modern types of threats.

  • We focus on real benefits

    We will design measures that are tailored to you and do not cost more than the data they are designed to protect.


We don’t play games – we only do what we understand perfectly

Contact us

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Trusted by companies around the world