Do you need to ensure compliance with the Cybersecurity Act, GDPR or obtain ISO 27000 certification? Or do you belong to companies that do not take the protection of data, information and know-how lightly by laws-not-laws?

Audit and consulting services

Why join forces with us

  • We focus on real benefits

    We will design measures that are tailored to you and cost no more than the information they are designed to protect.

  • Count on us to stand by your side

    Information security is not a state that you achieve once and have it taken care of. We will be there to help you continuously improve your security so that you can face the most modern types of threats.

  • We know our way around technology and paper

    Paper can take everything, but we only put on it what is feasible and will be reflected in reality.


We don’t play games – we only do what we understand perfectly

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Trusted by companies around the world